meet embranda

meet embranda

meet embranda

You deserve recognition.

We're here to help.

You deserve recognition.

We're here to help.

You deserve recognition.

We're here to help.

Hello, we're Embranda.

Hello, we're Embranda.

Embranda is a modern PR platform for growing professionals. We empower customers around the world to jumpstart and grow their careers with press interviews, industry awards, and memberships like advisory board seats. Embranda makes it easy to build a powerful professional profile on LinkedIn and resumes, so you can land new jobs, influence promotions, and secure new clients.

Founder story

In 2017, I first encountered the public relations world as head of marketing for a major startup with a prominent CEO. After discovering the CEO's powerful image was actually crafted by an expensive PR agency, I realized I could use similar strategies to help friends land better jobs.

Traditional PR agencies were costly and focused on major news outlets, which didn't suit my friends' needs. Instead, I collaborated with small publications to feature them in articles, leading to successful job offers with significant raises. Over the years, I've expanded from helping friends to unlocking this strategy for everyone with Embranda.

Today, we're a small team that's helped hundreds of professionals land new jobs, get raises, and grow their careers. All thanks to our process that's fast, easy, and affordable to everyone— not just CEO's.


Embranda strives to create a culture that empowers a humble, creative, and independent workforce. We are passionate about our customers and believe that collaboration and creativity are powerful tools to help them make their dreams a reality.

We love how each new hire adds to our culture. Check out our careers page for currently open positions.

We believe what makes us different makes us stronger. Building a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization is good for our team, our customers, and our community. We empower each other to bring unique perspectives and experiences to work, and we continually seek new ways to do so.

Corporate citizenship

Corporate citizenship

We believe that big change can start small, especially when it unites people around a common and positive goal. There are more than 1.5 million nonprofits in the U.S. alone, with the vast majority operating from grants and donations from their communities.

We know running a nonprofit is a challenge on it's own. Even more so when they have to constantly fundraise to keep making a positive difference in the world. At Embranda, we believe in the power of storytelling to make a positive impact. That's why we have pledged to offer approved small nonprofit organizations $200 of free credits to Embranda services. Please reach out via our contact form to learn more

Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

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Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

Subscribe to our email list for professional profile building tips & updates from Embranda.

Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

Subscribe to our email list for professional profile building tips & updates from Embranda.