Simple & transparent pricing

Simple & transparent pricing

We provide cost-effective solutions for job seekers, ensuring exceptional value and personalized attention. Invest in your future with Embranda.


Full service custom pitch to partners

Collaboration on chosen PR opportunity

Ghostwriting with two revisions included

Guaranteed placement within 30 days

Image & captions for social media

One article


Jumpstart your personal brand with a single article, interview, or award for a one-time fee.

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Save 10% with a package of three articles for $750

Save 10% with a package of three articles for $750

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Join hundreds of professionals growing their careers with Embranda.

Join hundreds of professionals growing their careers with Embranda.


"Helloooo recruiters"

I don't apply anymore. The jobs reach out to ME. Literally built an impactful personal brand in three months with just a little time spent on the side. I'm never going back to blindy applying online.

Lindsey B.

Product Marketing Lead

"My secret weapon"

B2B sales are all about authority and influence. Having a solid personal brand opens a lot of doors for me, and my sales numbers lead my team every. single. week.

Alejandro H.

Regional Sales Director


Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help. Reach out with any questions we don't cover here, and our team will do our best to provide answers or clarification.

We're here to help. Reach out with any questions we don't cover here, and our team will do our best to provide answers or clarification.

Are results guaranteed?

How does Embranda get consistent results?

How is Embranda different than a typical PR service?

Am I paying directly to win awards, earn certificates, etc?

Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

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Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

Subscribe to our email list for professional profile building tips & updates from Embranda.

Affordable press coverage and resources that turn anyone into a top candidate.

Made with ♥ in San Francisco, CA

Subscribe to our email list for professional profile building tips & updates from Embranda.